Thursday 11 April 2013

CD 24 & 7DPO

We've been not preventing another child since August 2012, but my periods didn't start up again until February 2013, we are on our second cycle of actively trying to conceive.

It seems like everyone is getting pregnant but me, and it is hard going. Several friends are pregnant at the moment, or have just found out they are pregnant and it's driving me a little insane. Although we've not been trying a long time, it feels like it because of when we decided we wanted another child. 

I am currently about 8 days away from my period arriving, (or not I hope) and I am hopping between hopeful (as I had ovulation pain on both sides, so I think I ov'd twice!) and depressed. 

We only managed to "dtd" once this cycle, so I am not convinced that this month will be "the month".  had a stomach bug over the time I was ovulating! Hopefully next month, we can get to it and make sure we are ttc properly. 

I bought a lovely "born in 2013" sleepsuit months back, and now feel sad because this is the last cycle I am going to be able to use it... *sigh*

Fingers crossed for me everyone! 

Wednesday 6 February 2013

4 DPO or CD 18

Yesterday I had a little bit of an ouchy pain on my left side, (3DPO and CD17).

Today I had quite a sharp pain in my uterus area twice.

It's 80 hours after ovulation which means implantation could of occurred or be occurring as I type.

When shall I test?

Saturday 2 February 2013

EWCM! Day 37 of TTC

After 13 months of I found egg white cervical mucus.

I still shudder at "cervical mucus". Ew!

(It turned out I was pregnant. I guess it was just one of those things!)

It just so happens that DH and I "did the deed" today anyway!

Two week wait begins today....!!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Drama and Pregnancy

So a while ago Facebook and ITV had a hissy fit about breastfeeding pictures, extended breastfeeding. I love pictures of my son feeding and I plan to breastfeed him as long as he wants.

Long story short, I shared some pictures of breastfeeding and my stepbrothers ex, the mother of my nephew had a paddy about me forcing breastfeeding on her! Wtf?!
Anyway my very pro breastfeeding friends went nuts at her and I had to ban people from commenting!

Sigh. Some women have to argue with other mothers. I really don't care what people do with their kids. I have my opinions and if I think they will hurt someone I don't voice them to anyone but my husband.

I think I'm about four weeks pregnant.
I am due to test on Thursday. Which would make me 4 weeks and 3 days! About the time I started blogging with my son! :)

Since the 11th Jan, I've been feeling completely exhausted (like I could fall asleep at any moment all the time), had headaches, been constipated, been peeing a lot and had crampy back and tummy aches. Then four days ago I started feeling sick in the morning and having food aversions.

I can't eat tuna. Which my husband is loving right he hates tuna! =P

I've had four extremely, extremely faint positive tests but I need to see the words on a digital test!

Fingers crossed! Xxx

Thursday 3 January 2013

Day 7 of TTC

DH and I have been having a dry spell since Baby Cub was born. Most couples have it, it's not a big deal for most people, and it certainly wasn't for us. We suddenly got our "wind" back, ttc must have something to do with that.

I also think I may be ovulating, despite having a negative OPK (ovulation prediction kit) I have watery CM. I am inclined to trust my body, over a bit of plastic! I am also wanting DH a lot more, which is a rather convenient ovulation cue also!

Not sure how we will manage next year if I get pregnant straight away, with DH in university. I expect it won't be until the summer that I fall though, which will be nice.

In the meantime, I am trying to night wean my Baby Cub. I don't think he really needs it, so this will be a test.

Stay tuned!