Saturday, 29 December 2012

A bit about Mrs B

The last time I blogged it was during my pregnancy with my son. 
My name is, unsurprisingly, still Leopardess, but my surname changed. I became "Mrs PB Leopardess" in October 2011. The pregnancy that I blogged for just two days, resulted in my gorgeous little miracle, "Baby Cub", born on the 9th Jan 2012, in hospital.
Nearly a year later, he’s still breastfed several times a day and night. We are a “go-with-the-flow” family, and regularly co sleep, and usually cloth bum (having a break at the moment!).
We decided when he was 8 months old, that we wanted to have a second child, biologically. We chickened out a few weeks later, deciding that we’d go to university and adopt instead, only to decide over Christmas that we wanted to try for a biological child and go to university.
It sounds bonkers, but trust me, it’s going to work. I will start university, and just take a break when we have our baby. It also means I will have to choose the non-riding option of my Equine Studies degree that I will hopefully will start this coming September, that will take 3-4 years to complete, I imagine.
Since I am still breastfeeding my son, 2-3 times during the night, and probably 3-4 times during the day, I have not had a period since I fell pregnant with Baby Cub in April 2011, and thus am not ovulating. Mother Nature’s way of stopping us having another baby before the first one has finished needing you.
I have always had an impatient nature, and TTC no.2 leopard cub, is not going to change that! I have tried Soy Isoflavones, but kept forgetting to take them, which made us decide that I wasn't ready to “ttc”, as otherwise I would have remembered to take them.
I have read good things about Agnus Castus, sometimes known as Vitex or Chaste tree berry. I am taking 1600mg a day, and started today. I am expecting, from research that I will get my period in 2-8 weeks’ time.
I have ordered ovulation sticks, and a fertility monitor (which was a bargain!) and hope that regular babysitting by my in-laws and family, and having a nap during the day will give my husband and I time to “DTD”. He works as a waiter so his hours are usually 5 pm-1 am. Which makes little for “special couple time”!
I am excited about becoming a mother of two, half of me hopes for a girl, as I know it would make my husband very happy, as he’s always wanted a daughter, but half of me would love another boy, because of how Baby Cub gets on with his cousin Little Bear, he loves to play with other male children, as all boys do at this age.
I am unsure whether I want to find out the gender when we get pregnant this time. We found out with Baby Cub, and part of me wants to, as we can choose a name, and buy clothes etc, but on the other hand, it would be nice to have that surprise kept until I give birth!
So, that’s me for now, I intend to blog my way through trying to conceive our second cub and being a first time Mum to Baby Cub (who is more like Toddler Cub now, let's be honest!!), pregnancy no.2 and hopefully all that follows. I will be periodically reviewing products associated with "ttc" and pregnancy as well as products designed for parents and babies/toddlers.

Stay Tuned Folks!

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